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Pascal/Delphi Source File
827 lines
(* PIBDIR.PAS --- MSDOS Directory Routines for Turbo Pascal *)
(* *)
(* Author: Philip R. Burns *)
(* Version: 1.0 (January,1985) *)
(* 2.0 (June,1985) *)
(* Systems: For MS-DOS on IBM PCs and close compatibles only. *)
(* Note: I have checked these on Zenith 151s under *)
(* MSDOS 2.1 and IBM PCs under PCDOS 2.0. *)
(* *)
(* Needs: Global types from GLOBTYPE.PAS. *)
(* *)
(* History: Original with me. *)
(* *)
(* Suggestions for improvements or corrections are welcome. *)
(* Please leave messages on Gene Plantz's BBS (312) 882 4145 *)
(* or Ron Fox's BBS (312) 940 6496. *)
(* *)
(* IF you use this code in your own programs, please be nice *)
(* and give proper credit. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* Routines: *)
(* *)
(* Convert_AsciiZ_To_String *)
(* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ *)
(* Dir_Get_Default_Drive *)
(* Dir_Set_Default_Drive *)
(* Dir_Get_Current_Path *)
(* Dir_Set_Current_Path *)
(* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address *)
(* Dir_Delete_File *)
(* Dir_Count_Drives *)
(* Dir_Convert_Time *)
(* Dir_Convert_Date *)
(* Dir_Find_First_File *)
(* Dir_Find_Next_File *)
(* Dir_Get_Free_Space *)
(* Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time *)
(* *)
(* Map of MsDos Directory Entry *)
Directory_Record = RECORD
Filler : ARRAY[1..21] Of BYTE;
File_Attr : BYTE;
File_Time : INTEGER;
File_Date : INTEGER;
File_Size : ARRAY[1..2] Of INTEGER;
File_Name : ARRAY[1..80] Of CHAR;
Dir_Attr_Read_Only = 1;
Dir_Attr_Hidden = 2;
Dir_Attr_System = 4;
Dir_Attr_Volume_Label = 8;
Dir_Attr_Subdirectory = 16;
Dir_Attr_Archive = 32;
(* Convert_AsciiZ_To_String -- Convert Ascii Z string to Turbo String *)
PROCEDURE Convert_AsciiZ_To_String( VAR S: AnyStr );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Convert_AsciiZ_To_String *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Convert Ascii Z string to Turbo String *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Convert_AsciiZ_To_String( VAR S: AnyStr ); *)
(* *)
(* S --- Ascii Z string to be turned into Turbo string *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* None *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: *)
(* *)
(* The string S is assumed to have already received the Ascii Z *)
(* string in its [1]st thru [l]th locations. *)
(* This routine searches for the 0-character marking the end of *)
(* the string and changes the Turbo string length (in S[0]) to *)
(* reflect the actual string length. *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Convert_AsciiZ_To_String *)
I := 1;
WHILE( S[I] <> CHR(0) ) DO I := I + 1;
S[0] := CHR( I - 1 );
END (* Convert_AsciiZ_To_String *);
(* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ -- Convert Turbo string to Ascii Z String *)
PROCEDURE Convert_String_To_AsciiZ( VAR S: AnyStr );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Convert_String_To_AsciiZ *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Convert Turbo string to ascii Z string *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ( VAR S: AnyStr ); *)
(* *)
(* S --- Turbo string to be turned into Ascii Z string *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* None *)
(* *)
BEGIN (* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ *)
S := S + CHR( 0 );
END (* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ *);
(* Dir_Get_Current_Path -- Get current directory path name *)
FUNCTION Dir_Get_Current_Path( Drive : CHAR;
VAR Path_Name : AnyStr ) : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Get_Current_Path *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Gets text of current directory path name *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Iok := Dir_Get_Current_Path( Drive : CHAR; *)
(* VAR Path_Name : AnyStr ) : *)
(* INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* Drive --- Drive to look on *)
(* Path_Name --- returned current path name *)
(* *)
(* Iok --- 0 if all went well, else DOS return code *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Get_Current_Path *)
Dir_Reg.Ah := $47;
Dir_Reg.Ds := SEG( Path_Name[1] );
Dir_Reg.Si := OFS( Path_Name[1] );
Dir_Reg.Dl := ORD( UpCase( Drive ) ) - ORD( '@' );
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Get_Current_Path := 0;
Convert_AsciiZ_To_String( Path_Name );
Dir_Get_Current_Path := Dir_Reg.Ax;
END (* Dir_Get_Current_Path *);
(* Dir_Set_Current_Path -- Set current directory path name *)
FUNCTION Dir_Set_Current_Path( Path_Name : AnyStr ) : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Set_Current_Path *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Sets new current directory path name *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Iok := Dir_Set_Current_Path( Path_Name : AnyStr ) : *)
(* INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* Path_Name --- New current path name *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* Convert_AsciiZ_To_String *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Set_Current_Path *)
Convert_String_To_AsciiZ( Path_Name );
Dir_Reg.Ah := $3B;
Dir_Reg.Ds := SEG( Path_Name[1] );
Dir_Reg.Dx := OFS( Path_Name[1] );
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Set_Current_Path := 0
Dir_Set_Current_Path := Dir_Reg.Ax;
END (* Dir_Set_Current_Path *);
(* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address --- Set DMA address for disk I/O *)
PROCEDURE Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address( VAR DMA_Buffer );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Sets DMA address for disk transfers *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address( VAR DMA_Buffer ); *)
(* *)
(* DMA_Buffer --- direct memory access buffer *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address *)
Dir_Reg.Ax := $1A00;
Dir_Reg.Ds := SEG( DMA_Buffer );
Dir_Reg.Dx := OFS( DMA_Buffer );
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
END (* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address *);
(* Dir_Set_Default_Drive --- Set Default Drive *)
PROCEDURE Dir_Set_Default_Drive( Drive: Char );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Dir_Set_Default_Drive *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Sets default drive for disk I/O *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Dir_Set_Default_Drive( Drive : Char ); *)
(* *)
(* Drive --- letter of default drive *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Set_Default_Drive *)
Dir_Reg.Ah := $0E;
Dir_Reg.Dl := ORD( UpCase( Drive ) ) - ORD( 'A' );
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
END (* Dir_Set_Default_Drive *);
(* Dir_Get_Default_Drive --- Get Default Drive *)
FUNCTION Dir_Get_Default_Drive: CHAR;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Get_Default_Drive *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Gets default drive for disk I/O *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Def_Drive := Dir_Get_Default_Drive : CHAR; *)
(* *)
(* Def_Drive --- Letter of default drive *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Get_Default_Drive *)
Dir_Reg.Ah := $19;
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
Dir_Get_Default_Drive := CHR( Dir_Reg.Al + ORD( 'A' ) );
END (* Dir_Get_Default_Drive *);
(* Dir_Delete_File --- Delete A File *)
FUNCTION Dir_Delete_File( File_Name : AnyStr ) : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Delete_File *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Deletes file in current directory *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Ideleted := Dir_Delete_File( File_Name : AnyStr ): INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* File_Name --- name of file to delete *)
(* Ideleted --- 0 if delete goes OK, else MSDOS return code *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* Convert_String_To_AsciiZ *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Delete_File *)
Convert_String_To_AsciiZ( File_Name );
Dir_Reg.Ah := $41;
Dir_Reg.Ds := SEG( File_Name[1] );
Dir_Reg.Dx := OFS( File_Name[1] );
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Delete_File := 0
Dir_Delete_File := Dir_Reg.Ax;
END (* Dir_Delete_File *);
(* Dir_Count_Drives --- Count number of drives in system *)
FUNCTION Dir_Count_Drives : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Count_Drives *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Finds number of installed DOS drives *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* ndrives := Dir_Count_Drives : INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* ndrives --- number of drives in system *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Count_Drives *)
Dir_Reg.Ah := $19;
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
Dir_Reg.Ah := $0E;
Dir_Reg.Dl := Dir_Reg.Al;
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
Dir_Count_Drives := Dir_Reg.Al;
END (* Dir_Count_Drives *);
(* Dir_Convert_Time --- Convert directory creation time *)
PROCEDURE Dir_Convert_Time ( Time : INTEGER; VAR S_Time : AnyStr );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Dir_Convert_Time *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Convert creation time from directory to characters. *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Dir_Convert_Time( Time : INTEGER; *)
(* VAR S_Time : AnyStr ) : INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* Time --- time as read from directory *)
(* S_Time --- converted time in hh:mm:ss *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* STR *)
(* *)
HH : String[2];
MM : String[2];
SS : String[2];
BEGIN (* Dir_Convert_Time *)
STR( ( Time SHR 11 ):2 , HH );
IF HH[1] = ' ' THEN HH[1] := '0';
STR( ( ( Time AND $07E0 ) SHR 5 ):2 , MM );
IF MM[1] = ' ' THEN MM[1] := '0';
STR( ( ( Time AND $001F ) * 2 ):2 , SS );
IF SS[1] = ' ' THEN SS[1] := '0';
S_Time := HH + ':' + MM + ':' + SS;
END (* Dir_Convert_Time *);
(* Dir_Convert_Date --- Convert directory creation date *)
PROCEDURE Dir_Convert_Date ( Date : INTEGER; VAR S_Date : AnyStr );
(* *)
(* Procedure: Dir_Convert_Date *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Convert creation date from directory to characters. *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Dir_Convert_Date( Date : INTEGER; *)
(* VAR S_Date : AnyStr ) : INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* Date --- date as read from directory *)
(* S_Date --- converted date in yy/mm/dd *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* STR *)
(* *)
YY : String[2];
MM : String[2];
DD : String[2];
BEGIN (* Dir_Convert_Date *)
STR( ( 80 + ( Date SHR 9 ) ) : 2 , YY );
STR( ( ( Date AND $01E0 ) SHR 5 ):2 , MM );
IF MM[1] = ' ' THEN MM[1] := '0';
STR( ( Date AND $001F ):2 , DD );
IF DD[1] = ' ' THEN DD[1] := '0';
S_Date := YY + '/' + MM + '/' + DD;
END (* Dir_Convert_Date *);
(* Dir_Find_First_File --- Find First File Matching Given Specs *)
FUNCTION Dir_Find_First_File( File_Pattern: AnyStr;
VAR First_File : Directory_Record ):
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Find_First_File *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Find first file in directory matching specs *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Iok := Dir_Find_First_File( File_Pattern: AnyStr; *)
(* VAR First_File : *)
(* Directory_Record ): INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* File_Pattern --- File pattern to look for. *)
(* First_File --- First file matching specs. *)
(* Iok --- 0 if file found, else MsDos return code. *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: *)
(* *)
(* The file pattern can be any standard MSDOS file pattern, *)
(* including wildcards. For a complete directory list, enter *)
(* '*.*' as the pattern. Use routine 'Dir_Find_Next_File' *)
(* to get the remaining files. *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg: RegPack;
BEGIN (* Find_First_File *)
Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address( First_File );
Convert_String_To_AsciiZ( File_Pattern );
Dir_Reg.Ds := SEG( File_Pattern[1] );
Dir_Reg.Dx := OFS( File_Pattern[1] );
Dir_Reg.Ax := $4E00;
Dir_Reg.Cx := $FF;
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Find_First_File := 0
Dir_Find_First_File := Dir_Reg.Ax;
END (* Find_First_File *);
(* Dir_Find_Next_File --- Find Next File Matching Given Specs *)
FUNCTION Dir_Find_Next_File ( VAR Next_File : Directory_Record ) : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Find_Next_File *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Finds next file in directory matching specs *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Iok := Dir_Find_Next_File ( VAR Next_File : *)
(* Directory_Record ) : INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* Next_File --- Next file matching specs. *)
(* Iok --- Returned as 0 if file found, else MsDos *)
(* return code indicating error. *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg : RegPack;
BEGIN (* Find_Next_File *)
Dir_Set_Disk_Transfer_Address( Next_File );
Dir_Reg.Ax := $4F00;
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Find_Next_File := 0
Dir_Find_Next_File := Dir_Reg.Ax;
END (* Find_Next_File *);
(* Dir_Get_Free_Space --- Find Next File Matching Given Specs *)
FUNCTION Dir_Get_Free_Space ( Drive : CHAR ) : REAL;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Get_Free_Space *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Gets amount of available space on a drive *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* FSpace := Dir_Get_Free_Space ( Drive : CHAR ) : REAL; *)
(* *)
(* Drive --- Drive letter for which to get free space *)
(* Fspace --- Returned number of bytes of free space *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
(* Remarks: *)
(* *)
(* If the free space can't be found, -1 is returned. *)
(* This is most likely to happen if an unformatted or wrongly *)
(* formatted disk is to be checked. *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg : RegPack;
Clusters : REAL;
Sectors : REAL;
Bytes : REAL;
BEGIN (* Dir_Get_Free_Space *)
(* Request drive information *)
Dir_Reg.DL := ORD(UpCase( Drive )) - ORD('A') + 1;
Dir_Reg.AH := $36;
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
(* Compute free space *)
Sectors := AX;
Clusters := BX;
Bytes := CX;
Dir_Get_Free_Space := -1.0
Dir_Get_Free_Space := Clusters * Bytes * Sectors;
END (* Dir_Get_Free_Space *);
(* Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time -- Set file date and time stamp *)
FUNCTION Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time( File_Handle: INTEGER;
File_Date : INTEGER;
File_Time : INTEGER ) : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Sets file time and date stamp *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Error := Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time( File_Handle: INTEGER; *)
(* File_Date : INTEGER; *)
(* File_Time : INTEGER ): *)
(* INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* File_Handle --- File handle of file to set time/date on *)
(* File_Date --- File date in packed DOS form *)
(* File_Time --- File time in packed DOS form *)
(* Error --- DOS error return code *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg : RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time *)
(* Set up parameters to DOS call *)
Cx := File_Time;
Dx := File_Date;
Bx := File_Handle;
Ah := $57;
Al := 1;
(* Set date and time *)
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
(* Check for bad return *)
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time := 0
Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time := Dir_Reg.Ax;
END (* Dir_Set_File_Date_And_Time *);
(* Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time -- Get file date and time stamp *)
FUNCTION Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time( File_Handle: INTEGER;
VAR File_Date : INTEGER;
(* *)
(* Function: Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time *)
(* *)
(* Purpose: Gets file time and date stamp *)
(* *)
(* Calling Sequence: *)
(* *)
(* Error := Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time( File_Handle: INTEGER;*)
(* VAR File_Date : INTEGER;*)
(* File_Time : INTEGER *)
(* ): INTEGER; *)
(* *)
(* File_Handle --- File handle of file to set time/date on *)
(* File_Date --- File date in packed DOS form *)
(* File_Time --- File time in packed DOS form *)
(* Error --- DOS error return code *)
(* *)
(* Calls: *)
(* *)
(* MsDos *)
(* *)
Dir_Reg : RegPack;
BEGIN (* Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time *)
(* Set up parameters to DOS call *)
Bx := File_Handle;
Ah := $57;
Al := 0;
(* Get date and time *)
MsDos( Dir_Reg );
(* Check for bad return *)
IF ( Carry_Flag AND Dir_Reg.Flags ) = 0 THEN
Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time := 0;
File_Time := Dir_Reg.Cx;
File_Date := Dir_Reg.Dx;
Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time := Dir_Reg.Ax;
File_Time := 0;
File_Date := 0;
END (* Dir_Get_File_Date_And_Time *);